The Fall of Carthage

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Nayab is here.

I am here on demand. I don't know why people have to write about themselves and show it all to the whole world. Why not buy a fucking diary and talk to yourself in it. Maybe after eons you might get famous and it will make your grandchildren rich. (even though none of the bloggers saw a concentration camp during WW2 times)

My close friends have their blogs here. Which i do like to read myself but i don't comment there because my friends are Grim and like to hide there blogs from the masses, It's like a secret lobby! (No, my friends are not Freemasons)

Yes, Mumbai is Kvlt. But it lacks blasts and Pashtuns. And Shiv Sena is nothing compared to MQM's chooran leadership.

I am not good in writing stuff.

The name of this blog is not inspired by a pop band's hit song. I couldn't think of anything lamer than this. Like my favorite Arsenal fan says "Lameness owns"